Friday 6 March 2015

Food Review Baby Style

So Michael (my son) is now 5 months of age and is eating a lot of food, so I just thought I would give a quick review on what he likes and see if it helps any other mums out when trying to buy there baby food.

Heinz Purées: He loves them, he finds the fruit ones a bit tangy to start off with but he absolutely adored the Apple, Parsnip & Carrot one, he was excited with every spoonful.  He is at the moment eating Peach, Mango & Banana, which he is definitely enjoying. I like giving him these as well because of the way it is packaged , the puree is in a squeezy tube which is resealable, so you can either put it in a bowl or squeeze it straight on to a spoon, we go straight for the spoon because the little lad is very impatient :)

Cow & Gate: He has only ever had the food, never the formula because he is a breastfed baby and I don't see the point in follow on milk when they're breastfed. He has tried many of these, Egg Custard, Banana & Custard, Cottage Pie, etc. He really enjoy them, we fed him from the jar and he wolfed it down, he nearly ate all of his egg custard in one sitting! He also really enjoyed his cottage pie, I do make him my own food and blend it but he doesn't like bits so jarred food at the moment is perfect for him. He also loves the Banana Porridge from Cow & Gate (he seems to have quite a sweet tooth)

Normal Food: He loves anything sweet we will give him, he enjoys brioche, yorkshire pudding, ice cream, banana biscuits and chocolate. I know it sounds bad but he doesn't eat these things on a regular basis it's mainly for a treat or to try him with something new. We have tried him with our food blended, bolognaise for example but he doesn't like having the bits in his mouth so refuses point blank to eat it, hence the reason why he eats proper baby food. He tends to chew things until they are soggy then spits the bits out, he really is one picky child :).

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tasha Rants: Benefits Edition

So I've been watching the programme Benefits Britain and it really pee'd me off! Because of the blatant scroungers they show on it, but not because they're scroungers, but because it is giving a bad name to anyone who is entitled to benefits, we are all being labelled as the same thing and it's not right!

Everyone is so quick to judge those on benefits because it must be an easier way to live... nope! It's difficult, you barely have enough money to live, to be perfectly honest I don't understand why so many people choose it as a lifestyle option, it's ridiculous. As a person under the age of 25 you are entitled to £57.35 p/w and from 25 onward you are entitled to £72.40, now how can anyone live on that? The answer is they can't not properly, though some people are happy to live at the bottom of the barrel which is why people judge but there are people who are not and it is not as simple as saying "well get a job then".

To the people who work and who have worked for many years, times have changed! You can't simply go out and hand your CV in somewhere and get a job no one does it that way anymore. I have qualifications and work experience, I worked 4 jobs in 2 years and I still would struggle to get a full time job, because no one wants to hire someone with little experience, all the jobs I have had were through agencies because I couldn't get a job any other way, I was unemployed for 2 months and must have applied for about 100 jobs and was looking every day I managed to get 1 interview from that, and yet even though I was looking and applying I can guarantee anyone who saw me going to the jobcentre assumed I was a lazy bum just because I'm young. We are taught to not discriminate against people for being different, yet we think it's OK to discriminate against people because they are a different age and aren't living the life society has made us think they should.

People are blaming scroungers for societies downfall but it's not them! If the jobcentre helped people how it used to and should do, and people were told if they didn't accept a job they were offered there payments would be stopped, then there would be more people working, but no, no one wants to help people find jobs they think that everyone will automatically be able to just look for one and get hired straight away, which is not the case.

If people really want to complain about something then it should be about zero hour contracts and long time agency work, that is what is holding the younger generation back! We cannot find full time work adequately because too many employers are far too happy to take on agency workers, most of the time as a replacement for full time staff because no redundancy has to be paid and they don't have to give any warnings regarding termination, even if there only quarm is they don't like you they can get rid of you. Holiday pay and so on are all dealt with by the agency, which is absolutely absurd! I was working with a company for just under 1 year, I had gotten to learn about the company and make new acquaintances with work colleagues, but because I was moved onto another team on which the manager did not like me I was dismissed after 1 day of being late, how can we survive in a society like this? How can the younger generation look to the future when they don't know how long they will be employed for? We are being prevented from buying houses, cars, etc because we don't know when we will have an income which we can rely on.

Down with Agencies!!