Monday 30 May 2016

Knowing Your Moo

Moos are very complex creatures but at the same time they're also very simple.

Moos need feeding, bathing, changing and putting to bed like every other baby, the difference is moos add a quirk to all these tasks,

When you feed them they make a huge mess, when you bath them they chuck water everywhere and cry when you wash their hair, when you change their nappies they kick, squeal and try to run away and when you put them to bed they cuddle their teddy whilst expecting you to bounce them to sleep.

Other qualities moos possess are eating everything, making tonnes of mess and squirreling things away.

Now when I say that moos eat everything I mean everything, including sticks, rocks, acorns off of the floor etc, their messes range from small scale to 'looking like a bomb hit it', apparently moos need all their toys out at the one time or playtime isn't adequate enough. Moos have really good hiding places for all sorts of things, like under rugs, under the settee, inside other toys, moos have really some really good squirrel qualities.

This is what a moo looks like, I know you're thinking "aww cute, he just looks like a normal baby", but you would be wrong, moos can be very deceiving, they cleverly make themselves look like other ordinary toddlers.

If your baby does all of the above and more then you know you have a moo. Please comment and let me know what your moos are capable of.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Pink Parcel!

This package is amazing! For me it has all the essentials needed for when you're on your period (aside from paracetamol).

It has tampons (pads are optional), 24 to be exact, a lovely little bag which means you can carry these around discreetly, which for me at least is perfect, I can't talk for everyone but I find when you're out and about and end up routing through your bag it can be rather embarrassing if a pad or tampon pops out.

This package even includes items to make you feel better during your time of month. This months includes, honeycomb chocolate, Loreal mascara, nail varnish, lip balm, a cute little pendant, vitabiotic tablets, flawless future caplet serum, a detox lemon teabag, SASS purifying cleanser and it even includes a pack of bandzees, which I haven't tried yet but have been assured that they are better than bobbles. These items to some might not change their monthly nightmare, but for me they would make it that little bit better, I think it's great to have perks like these to make you feel a bit nicer.

The best part is this box only costs £12.99!! For everything individually you would spend a lot more money than that (this can be the general cost of mascara alone). The content
does change every month (aside from your desired sanitary products) but that would seem to make it even better, because you don't know what goodies you might receive.

Monday 16 May 2016

First Ever Blog Event!

The blog event was held at the Wig & Pen (soon to be Craft & Dough) in Sheffield, on Saturday May 14.

I believe with this post it would be beneficial to get the negatives out of the way first.

As lovely as the pub were itself. the staff were lacking in professionalism, A bar man was supposed to be serving at the bar downstairs where the event was being held, for the duration of the visit as per the agreement when the room was booked, this did not happen, the member of staff in question left after the first half hour meaning we had to use the upstairs bar, now I am not complaining about having to use the stairs, the problem is the lack of respect shown by the staff by not adhering to what was promised. This was just one of the problems encountered due to unreliable staff, People had their meals missed off the food order, so when everyone received their food there were 4/5 people who had to sit and wait for another half hour (at least!) before they could eat, this was an uncomfortable situation for everyone. On the topic of food I ordered a Margarita pizza, which was adequate enough, it was nice but it wasn't sensational, I would say it tasted and resembled something which had come out of a box from a supermarket.

Overall I believe the staff did not present themselves or their establishment very well at all, in fact I think they did a great job at making sure I never return, thankfully though this did not impact on the actual event, I believe the event managers did a great job at putting everything together and made it a fun day.

The atmosphere at the #steelcityblogmeet was great! Everyone seemed to have a really good time, everyone there was really welcoming which was

good for me considering my newbie status, I was a bit concerned that people would already know each other therefore leaving me to be a loner all day, and I cannot believe how wrong I were, it was great meeting all the new people and getting to know more about them, they were all really friendly.

Overall the event was great, despite best efforts from the staff to change that. It was fun and it was interesting, I can't wait for the next one! I am thankful that this was the first event I went to, as it was a great day :)

A picture of all the brilliant goodies received at the event, so excited to try them all!

Monday 9 May 2016

What a Year!

Wow, can't believe how long it has been since my last post! Between a crazy ex and an even more mental baby, it's been a tough time!

I'll start by talking about Michael, he's everywhere! In the cupboards, TV cabinet, boxes, just literally everything! As annoying as it is that I can't leave him in a room for 1 minute he does make up his bad behaviour, he tends to give me a big sloppy kiss when he knows he's done something wrong, now I know I should wish that he would just behave, but in a way I enjoy the kisses and aside from getting them as a sorry they are a massive rarity, normally if I try to kiss him I get screamed at! He's also currently teething (again!) thankfully these are the last four teeth he's going to get, unfortunately they are also his back molars which means they are probably going to be the worst ones he will get, he's chewing everything and the drooling is uncontrollable, it's like having a puppy (that and he eats shoes, if given the chance)!

He's started eating everything as well now! I couldn't be happier, I was convinced that I would never manage to wean him and he'd starve once I did, thankfully when he was weaned he decided everything else tasted better (that or he knew he had to eat something). I've even managed to get him in his cot and to sleep on his own! This was a major relief for me as he would not sleep without me at one point, now I here him wake up in the night, turn on his aquarium and just drop back off to sleep, it's absolutely lovely.

He says a good number of words now as well, he can say Grandad (dan dad), all gone, go go go, gone, dinosaur (dioorrr), cat, that, leelou (his aunty Lauren), Taz Taz (his aunty Taryn), dvd (a deee!), unfortunately he refuses point blank to say mum which is exceedingly annoying and to my mums dismay he won't say Granny either, I guess we'll both have to suffer until he's bigger.

Now onto the ex, moo moo's dad.... I'm not going to go into it too much as I don't want to put too much of his information out there. He has caused so much hassle while he was in our lives, he made trying to do everyday things impossible, shopping was a nightmare, it got to a point where living was a nightmare. When he was made to leave he stole money and caused havoc, making things in the future look bleak, thankfully I didn't let him win and have taken back control of mine and moo's lives.

We are now happy and I am actually excited to see what the future holds!

With a holiday in the upcoming months I know the rest of this year is going to be epic! I love my little family just the way it is now :)