Monday 14 September 2015

Lazy Baby

Michael's now 11 months old and has started standing on his own, where on a few occasions he has looked as though he was going to take his first step, but unfortunately has not.

After seeing my health visitor I have been informed that his lack of walking is down to being a lazy little moo, she said with how well he is standing on his own there is no reason why he can't walk, especially with how confident he is with standing, aside from being lazy.

He was the same when it came to crawling, it took him till he was nearly 9 months old before he could crawl properly and that as well was down to being lazy, he just used to roll around the living room to get from place to place, as comical as it was, it was also frustrating to watch because I knew he could do it if he tried.

Although he makes life difficult at times and definitely tries my patience, he makes it all worth while by being a gorgeous little moo.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Baby's First Steps!

My L/O is now nearly 8 months! Time has flown, but I have loved every minute of it. I don't understand people who only want them for when they are new born, don't get me wrong, I loved him when he was first born as well but I love watching him learn and watching his personality develop more!

For example, the other day Michael took his first steps! Granted I was holding him, but it was a magical moment, and very impressive considering he never conquered crawling (he just lies on his front and cries).

He babbles constantly now, he says dadad and the occasional mama (though this is generally when he's upset) he loves to say 'ungy' which we are trying to interpret, I thought he meant monkey because we call him a cheeky monkey but we don't have a clue!

He drinks from his beakers like a normal cup, he doesn't seem to enjoy having to suck to get his drink he prefers it being poured into mouth, though I think this is learned behaviour from me and his dad, he also adores tea, if he sees me drinking it I can't drink in peace! He has just started learning how to drink from a straw, but he quickly gets bored and starts chewing it.

He has also developed an interest in ears, which fortunately for me only leaves my partner being assaulted everyday, I can only guess that he finds ear lobes funny and squishy.

Thanks for taking the time to read and please leave a comment!

Thursday 7 May 2015

About Me!!

Hey, I'm Natasha (normally go by Tasha though. It sounds weird to hear my name in full!) and I'm a 20 something new mum!

I started this blog to show all sides of being a new mum from teething, to feeding to babbling babies! I do occasionally add in the odd rant and lifestyle post as well!

I appreciate all opinions on my posts and love people to comment, I will try to reply to everyone (I don't reply to Lollalong as she is my sister!)

You can follow me at my social media links below :)


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Baby Babble

Michael (as a normal 7m/o) is babbling like crazy! He is actually quite hilarious and seems to have proper conversations, though I have no clue what he's saying he is always adamant to join in.

When I watch him having his little babbling moments and see the expression on his face it melts my heart! Especially when mamamam and dadadad is thrown in there, I know he doesn't know what they mean and hasn't associated them with us yet but it is still lovely.

His favourite word at the moment seems to be "ungy" now we haven't a clue what he actually means because he says it all the time, as soon as he wakes up he says it, or as soon as he's finished having a feed he says it. We have asked him if he's hungry and he has replied "yeah" which was amusing and exceedingly coincidental. My partner was in the kitchen one time when Michael said "ungy" and I asked my partner if he heard him and Michael replied "yeah" that was great! It's like the two words put together mean something to him and I can't wait to find out what that is.

Here is a video of Michael babbling (excuse the mucky top!), it's not great but that's because when I try to film him, he normally stops doing what he's doing and just stares at me.

Friday 1 May 2015

New Hair!

 So as promised on a previous post I am showing you my before and after pics. No today is not my birthday, it was an early present because I couldn't stand my hair how it were for much longer! You can see why below:


As you can see, my hair had been left untouched for that long my fringe was no longer a fringe! I had curtain hair, which some people pull off really well, though I bet theirs is maintained much better than mine. With literally going 2 years without having it done I knew I had gone long enough, and with my birthday around the corner I took my opportunity!


This is me now! Don't I look better with a fringe? Also I decided to have a side fringe, I wanted a full one but then realised everyone is getting one of those, and I like to be different (only a smidge). I needed something easier to maintain, but still look nice and with it only costing £24.50 I couldn't really say no could I?!

Thursday 30 April 2015

Food Review No. 2!

So Michael has decided he wants me to tell you all about the foods he is enjoying at the moment! 

Heinz Organic Biscoti: He loves these! He has been eating the apple flavoured ones and scoffs them down, however, they do make a mess. 

Heinz Fruit Custard Pots: We have only recently bought him these but he adores them! They come in apple & pear or banana, he's only tried apple & pear so far but he has eaten basically the entire pot... both times!

Chips: I know I know, they aren't the best thing but I want to try him with everything I can to try and get him used to all kinds of taste and textures, and as you can probably guess, he likes them! 

Toast: He has been eating half a slice of toast for breakfast and he loves it, he has been eating Hovis 50/50 with a bit of butter on it and he thinks t's great! 

Fruit Smoothie: I know this is a drink not food but Michael really enjoyed this when we made it. It included strawberries, black grapes, raspberries, 1 banana, 1 pot of Greek style yoghurt (low fat) and a bit of ice cream, just to make it unhealthy!

Green Beans: When (over) cooked, to make them soft he loves them, and they're a great food for him to feed himself, which he loves to do.

Barney Bears: To be perfectly honest I'm not sure if he actually likes to eat these or just crumble them up in his hands, either way they are a good snack and again getting him used to different textures.

Though to be honest, he will eat anything he picks up! It all goes straight into his mouth, unless it's something we want him to eat! Then it has to be inspected, he is a funny baby :)

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Birthday Wishlist

So it's my birthday soon and my sister Lauren suggested I do a wish list, because apparently I'm slightly interesting.

1. Acrylic/Gel nail set - I want this because I have decided I want to learn how to do nails, as when I do go back to work I don't want to be limited to the skills I already have, especially as I will have been unemployed for more than 1 year!

2. Manicure Set - I know you're thinking 'how obvious' but if I want to do nails a decent manicure set (to me) is essential.

3. Nail Dryer - This isn't something which is a necessity but I want one because it will make doing nails quicker, especially if I am doing patterns.

4. Perfume - There's no proper reason for this one just that I have run out of perfume and would really like some more.

5. Haircut! - I already know I'm getting this one but I thought I'd include it anyway. I know it doesn't seem like such a big thing to the most of you reading this but I haven't had my hair done for 2 years! Somewhere between being skint and having a baby my hair has been forgotten about. I will do a post showing before and after so you all know I'm not fibbing, though you will have to wait for 2 weeks!

So that's it, I don't really want or need anything else. However, dependent on what I get I will do a review on the products, just in case anyone is interested.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Teething, Tantrums & Clinginess

So as you will be aware I haven't done a post for a couple of weeks, this is due to the fact that Michael has been a poorly little pumpkin.

Me and my partner awoke one morning to see that Michael had developed a weird rash on his tummy and on the back of his neck, we put cream on it and waited to see if it would go. We checked him again the morning after and it was the same (getting worse) so we rang the doctors to get him checked over, he had gotten Scarlet Fever (from god knows where) so we were given antibiotics for him to get rid of it. After one day of him being on antibiotics we noticed a bit of white on his gum and realised it was a tooth coming through! We were both really impressed with him, he were being quite well behaved considering he weren't very well and he had cut a tooth, which we were none the wiser about, and then it started... Constant crying whenever he weren't with me, he could be sat in front of me and would cry until I picked him up, nothing would help, he wouldn't get distracted by toys or the TV, it was driving me insane!

I had sympathy obviously, he is a baby and wasn't very well, but he wouldn't go to anyone without bursting into tears, he wouldn't even go to his daddy, it was exhausting!

Anyway we carried on giving him his medicine (which was a trial in itself) and tried to keep him happy, when it came last few days of him taking his medicine we noticed that he was getting another tooth, right next to the first one, my immediate thought was great, breastfeeding isn't hard enough! Which I was correct about because the little monkey has made it so I need to use cream because my nipples were cracking, which I am guessing was due to the fact my precious son likes to bite when he's decided he's had enough.

Thank god he's better! He's currently sat in his jumperoo screeching like a mad man, I would love to know what he's shouting about.

Friday 6 March 2015

Food Review Baby Style

So Michael (my son) is now 5 months of age and is eating a lot of food, so I just thought I would give a quick review on what he likes and see if it helps any other mums out when trying to buy there baby food.

Heinz Purées: He loves them, he finds the fruit ones a bit tangy to start off with but he absolutely adored the Apple, Parsnip & Carrot one, he was excited with every spoonful.  He is at the moment eating Peach, Mango & Banana, which he is definitely enjoying. I like giving him these as well because of the way it is packaged , the puree is in a squeezy tube which is resealable, so you can either put it in a bowl or squeeze it straight on to a spoon, we go straight for the spoon because the little lad is very impatient :)

Cow & Gate: He has only ever had the food, never the formula because he is a breastfed baby and I don't see the point in follow on milk when they're breastfed. He has tried many of these, Egg Custard, Banana & Custard, Cottage Pie, etc. He really enjoy them, we fed him from the jar and he wolfed it down, he nearly ate all of his egg custard in one sitting! He also really enjoyed his cottage pie, I do make him my own food and blend it but he doesn't like bits so jarred food at the moment is perfect for him. He also loves the Banana Porridge from Cow & Gate (he seems to have quite a sweet tooth)

Normal Food: He loves anything sweet we will give him, he enjoys brioche, yorkshire pudding, ice cream, banana biscuits and chocolate. I know it sounds bad but he doesn't eat these things on a regular basis it's mainly for a treat or to try him with something new. We have tried him with our food blended, bolognaise for example but he doesn't like having the bits in his mouth so refuses point blank to eat it, hence the reason why he eats proper baby food. He tends to chew things until they are soggy then spits the bits out, he really is one picky child :).

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Tasha Rants: Benefits Edition

So I've been watching the programme Benefits Britain and it really pee'd me off! Because of the blatant scroungers they show on it, but not because they're scroungers, but because it is giving a bad name to anyone who is entitled to benefits, we are all being labelled as the same thing and it's not right!

Everyone is so quick to judge those on benefits because it must be an easier way to live... nope! It's difficult, you barely have enough money to live, to be perfectly honest I don't understand why so many people choose it as a lifestyle option, it's ridiculous. As a person under the age of 25 you are entitled to £57.35 p/w and from 25 onward you are entitled to £72.40, now how can anyone live on that? The answer is they can't not properly, though some people are happy to live at the bottom of the barrel which is why people judge but there are people who are not and it is not as simple as saying "well get a job then".

To the people who work and who have worked for many years, times have changed! You can't simply go out and hand your CV in somewhere and get a job no one does it that way anymore. I have qualifications and work experience, I worked 4 jobs in 2 years and I still would struggle to get a full time job, because no one wants to hire someone with little experience, all the jobs I have had were through agencies because I couldn't get a job any other way, I was unemployed for 2 months and must have applied for about 100 jobs and was looking every day I managed to get 1 interview from that, and yet even though I was looking and applying I can guarantee anyone who saw me going to the jobcentre assumed I was a lazy bum just because I'm young. We are taught to not discriminate against people for being different, yet we think it's OK to discriminate against people because they are a different age and aren't living the life society has made us think they should.

People are blaming scroungers for societies downfall but it's not them! If the jobcentre helped people how it used to and should do, and people were told if they didn't accept a job they were offered there payments would be stopped, then there would be more people working, but no, no one wants to help people find jobs they think that everyone will automatically be able to just look for one and get hired straight away, which is not the case.

If people really want to complain about something then it should be about zero hour contracts and long time agency work, that is what is holding the younger generation back! We cannot find full time work adequately because too many employers are far too happy to take on agency workers, most of the time as a replacement for full time staff because no redundancy has to be paid and they don't have to give any warnings regarding termination, even if there only quarm is they don't like you they can get rid of you. Holiday pay and so on are all dealt with by the agency, which is absolutely absurd! I was working with a company for just under 1 year, I had gotten to learn about the company and make new acquaintances with work colleagues, but because I was moved onto another team on which the manager did not like me I was dismissed after 1 day of being late, how can we survive in a society like this? How can the younger generation look to the future when they don't know how long they will be employed for? We are being prevented from buying houses, cars, etc because we don't know when we will have an income which we can rely on.

Down with Agencies!!

Saturday 21 February 2015


So when you get pregnant your boobs get huge, and then after you give birth they get enormous, and then if you breastfeed they stay a gigantic size until you finish. Now my point is, why do a lot of clothing shops not cater for every bra size? I have big boobs and have an awful time trying to find a bra that fits.

I went round the local shopping centre yesterday and tried different shops, (New Look, Next and even <3 Yours) My size weren't anywhere, I even tried at Sainsbury's, there was nothing! It was like all the bras my size had vanished into the void...

I've also noticed that nice bras are not generally made for women with big breasts, unless you are willing to spend a fortune on one, which for some women just isn't realistic. This was a problem for me before I was pregnant, I remember being in Primark looking at all the different styles and colours, and even though they said they went to D cup you could never find one, which would leave me having to go and settle for a normal T-Shirt bra, either white, black or nude in colour.

I know that sizes in shops have got better because a 32 D is a lot easier to find now, whereas before it was near enough impossible, though I would love for someone to tell me where to find a 36 F without being charged £30, normal shops don't seem to go that big and then the shops for larger women don't do 36 they start from 38 it's absolutely ridiculous.

Sometimes it feels as though I will be stuck shopping at Mother Care for the rest of my life wearing nursing/maternity bras, though I also found trouble finding a bra there!

Has anyone else experienced this problem, especially as a mum? Let me know in the comments :)

Sunday 8 February 2015

Tasha Rants: Paternity

Ok as you can tell by my title this post is going to be one where I am complaining. I have just seen an article on my Facebook which asks whether dads should be able to share paternity leave with the mother's maternity leave, and I think not. However, I do think paternity leave should be a few weeks longer (though not taken off the mother's maternity), it takes a woman about 6 weeks to fully recover (depending on delivery), so logically a man should be able to have that amount of time off so he can ensure his partner is doing ok, because not only is the woman still recovering but giving birth can have a psychological strain as well, so support from a partner is definitely needed.

The main reason a woman has maternity leave is, so she can get better after birth and feed her baby (the natural way), don't get me wrong I have nothing against women who bottle feed it's their choice, but that is the specific reason why maternity is so long.

Why do both parents need to look after the baby together? Not being harsh or funny, but women have been looking after babies on their own for many years now, why all of a sudden has it turned into such a difficult task? Now don't get me wrong I love dropping my son off at my mother's so she can look after him for an hour or two but that is only a couple of days a week, the rest of the time my son is all mine, like he should be.

Also, in the comment section of this post I read, there were loads of women complaining that paternity pay isn't enough and that you can't possibly live off that much money, and the funny thing is, paternity pay is the exact same as maternity pay £138 p/w (the basic amount anyway), no one mentioned how it's disgusting that a woman doesn't get paid the amount she was earning while pregnant, after she's had her baby and lets face it if you're a single mum £138 p/w isn't going to do much is it?

I also think it's wrong these days how both parents are expected to go back to work, and have your child looked after by someone else, especially since looking after a child is a full time job itself. I know some people will say that I must have a medieval view point but, if the dad works and earns enough to support a family, then why should the mum go back to work? Now don't get me wrong I don't think it's a woman's job to be a housewife but surely having one parent at home is going to be a lot more beneficial for the kids, than sending them to a child minder.

Friday 6 February 2015


Ok I know the title sounds a bit dramatic because it's not like my baby has gone to live anywhere else, but me and my partner have decided it would now be best to put him in his own room. He is now 4 months old and is too big for his Moses Basket, so we really don't have a choice, but I believe I am going to miss the midnight snuggles with him and not being able to just lean over and see if he is ok is going to hurt... :(

I do believe though that it will be a good for thing for him, as hopefully it will help to build his independence, he also tends to need to be rocked to sleep or bounced in someones arms, and I am hoping that in a few days he will be able to make himself drift off on his own, and if that doesn't work, he has a little aquarium on the side of his cot which plays music, which he can turn on by his self.

I think some people see separation anxiety as something a toddler would get because they don't think their mum/dad is coming back, but I also think as a parent s/a is something common, especially as a new parent, it's as though your maternal instinct is no longer valid because you can't just lean over and check if they're ok, it just doesn't feel natural to no longer have your baby in the same room as you at night time.

I must say, I hate how quick they grow.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Take Back What's Yours Campaign

So my sister Lauren decided to tag me in this as apparently she would like to see what I would take back.

Well to be perfectly honest it's simple I would also take back my confidence, I have always been self-conscious (though people wouldn't tell) I've never really been happy with my body or looks but I was way more comfortable with my self a good 3-4 years ago and then I had the implant put in and it seemed to mess with my body, making me gain weight which I never managed to lose, and now I've had my baby I've gotten bigger, so I am trying to take back my confidence.

As an average gym goer I can tell you it is difficult, I generally go 2 times a week to classes and the the odd gym sesh on a Sunday, but life has once again gotten in the way, I now seem to have acquired problems from being so heavily pregnant which means it is going to make it even harder for me to go to the gym and keep up (as if Asthma and being unfit wasn't enough eh?), some days it just seems as if life doesn't want me to get fit and be healthy for my child but, I say screw them days and keep doing the best that I can do, there's not really much more than that you can do is there?

2015 is going to be my year and I'll be damned if I don't get to my pre-pregnancy weight or even less before the year is out!


My little boy is now 4 months old and boy can you tell. He sits in is chair babbling away at me and his father, how I wish I knew what he was talking about, sometimes, however he does resemble the Tasmanian Devil (cartoon). He shouts at us when he's not happy, which is quite a lot, he is a grumpy gru and laughs at near enough everything, apparently being a cheeky monkey is one of the best things ever. With his habits at night time he does make me incredibly tired, but it is all worth it to see that little smile on his face.

Me and my partner are constantly asked how old he is and then never believed because of how well he holds himself up, his head is completely sturdy now, soon it looks like he will be sitting up on his own, which I will be so proud about, he's such a clever little boy!

He has now developed a habit of grumping when he wants me to pick him up which I fall for every time because I think he might be hungry, he's too clever..

I taught him to kiss me, I say "give mummy a kiss" and he opens his little mouth for kisses, it is so adorable, I can't wait to teach him more! Though as much as I love the fact that he's getting bigger and learning new things, I miss when we first brought him home and how tiny he were, so glad I've got loads of pictures to remind me!

Friday 16 January 2015


So there aren't really many luxuries you can have after you've had a baby, especially if you breastfeed, because drinking (alcohol) is a no no, leaving your baby alone with a family member for longer than an hour is cruel, especially if they are like mine and a greedy little so and so, so you have to make use of the time you do have and do something for yourself no matter how small it may be.

Personally I only have the time my baby is asleep to really have time to myself, which is not for long because he prefers cat napping rather than sleeping for half an hour to an hour. My partner is helpful as he watches our son a couple of nights a week so I can go to the gym, though as stated above I only get to get away for an hour.

So I have to try and do the things I used to do (minus the drinking) in the time I now have to myself during the day, I do little things like play on the Xbox 360, now write my blogs and just check up on my twitter and facebook. It doesn't seem like a lot but when you're strapped for time and you just want to relax sometimes having a decent game on Black Ops 2 can really help.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Let it go!

So my son has quite an unusual obsession with the song Let It Go from Frozen, since obtaining this laptop (less than a week ago) we have listened to the song about 10 times on Youtube, it seems to be the only thing which will calm him down when he is in a bad mood, now I don't mind the song but it gets to a point where it just becomes one huge blur! Though anything to keep my little munchkin happy right?

The worst part is he just had his second lot of vaccinations yesterday so last night and today he has been in a horrendous mood, which means Frozen is basically on repeat, it's got that bad my partner has even started singing it out of the blue and he is definitely not a Disney fan.

I personally don't mind Frozen but I would prefer if my little man would get attached to a different film, like Tarzan or The Lion King, though then I'll probably be blogging about how I now despise those films as well.

Oh well I suppose I'll just have to 'let it go' right?


So I'm Natasha and I'm 21 years old, I recently had a baby (16 weeks ago to be precise) and as much as I love my little bundle of joy, he is making me realise how simple life used to be. Now don't get me wrong I knew having a baby was going to be difficult and full of trial and error, but I never fully comprehended how exhausted I would be, I believe doing manual labour would be easier, and not because I'm physically tired but mentally. I've been told plenty of times that I have a good baby, so I dread to think what it would be like with a child that wakes up every couple of hours.

Though as hard as he does make simple things (not being able to bath in peace) he is the best thing to have happened to me, watching him learn and experience new things is amazing. He giggles constantly! Even watching me type this is apparently funny. I can't wait to see how he will grow!