Wednesday 20 May 2015

Baby's First Steps!

My L/O is now nearly 8 months! Time has flown, but I have loved every minute of it. I don't understand people who only want them for when they are new born, don't get me wrong, I loved him when he was first born as well but I love watching him learn and watching his personality develop more!

For example, the other day Michael took his first steps! Granted I was holding him, but it was a magical moment, and very impressive considering he never conquered crawling (he just lies on his front and cries).

He babbles constantly now, he says dadad and the occasional mama (though this is generally when he's upset) he loves to say 'ungy' which we are trying to interpret, I thought he meant monkey because we call him a cheeky monkey but we don't have a clue!

He drinks from his beakers like a normal cup, he doesn't seem to enjoy having to suck to get his drink he prefers it being poured into mouth, though I think this is learned behaviour from me and his dad, he also adores tea, if he sees me drinking it I can't drink in peace! He has just started learning how to drink from a straw, but he quickly gets bored and starts chewing it.

He has also developed an interest in ears, which fortunately for me only leaves my partner being assaulted everyday, I can only guess that he finds ear lobes funny and squishy.

Thanks for taking the time to read and please leave a comment!


  1. Haha, that's so cute! :) Maybe by the time I'm back in the UK he will be running around!

    1. He's too lazy for that! But he might give it a go lol
