Monday 14 September 2015

Lazy Baby

Michael's now 11 months old and has started standing on his own, where on a few occasions he has looked as though he was going to take his first step, but unfortunately has not.

After seeing my health visitor I have been informed that his lack of walking is down to being a lazy little moo, she said with how well he is standing on his own there is no reason why he can't walk, especially with how confident he is with standing, aside from being lazy.

He was the same when it came to crawling, it took him till he was nearly 9 months old before he could crawl properly and that as well was down to being lazy, he just used to roll around the living room to get from place to place, as comical as it was, it was also frustrating to watch because I knew he could do it if he tried.

Although he makes life difficult at times and definitely tries my patience, he makes it all worth while by being a gorgeous little moo.