Monday 30 May 2016

Knowing Your Moo

Moos are very complex creatures but at the same time they're also very simple.

Moos need feeding, bathing, changing and putting to bed like every other baby, the difference is moos add a quirk to all these tasks,

When you feed them they make a huge mess, when you bath them they chuck water everywhere and cry when you wash their hair, when you change their nappies they kick, squeal and try to run away and when you put them to bed they cuddle their teddy whilst expecting you to bounce them to sleep.

Other qualities moos possess are eating everything, making tonnes of mess and squirreling things away.

Now when I say that moos eat everything I mean everything, including sticks, rocks, acorns off of the floor etc, their messes range from small scale to 'looking like a bomb hit it', apparently moos need all their toys out at the one time or playtime isn't adequate enough. Moos have really good hiding places for all sorts of things, like under rugs, under the settee, inside other toys, moos have really some really good squirrel qualities.

This is what a moo looks like, I know you're thinking "aww cute, he just looks like a normal baby", but you would be wrong, moos can be very deceiving, they cleverly make themselves look like other ordinary toddlers.

If your baby does all of the above and more then you know you have a moo. Please comment and let me know what your moos are capable of.

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